
TRAILER: Daimyo Parade 予告編:山田大名行列

Yamada Daimyo Parade was held October 20 and 21, 2007 at Motoyoshi, Miyagi prefecture, Japan once in three years. They are shouting the words to praise the rich growth of their rice.

宮城県本吉町の山田大名行列が、3年に一度、平成19年10月20、21日の両日、挙行されました。HDVカムコーダで撮影したものを、wmvファイルにして掲載します。勢良生勢(セイヨー オイセ)は、稲が勢い良く生長するさまを讃えた掛け声です。田んぼのあぜ道で繰り広げられた時代絵巻は、勇壮で感動ものでした。

The scene was filmed by a HDV-camcorder and producing a 30-minute documentary is just underway. The big issue stands in front of me after editing, superimposing and overlaying a backgound music. It is narration. I, as a pro, have finished scripting the narration of course. What so awesome is that I must narrate myself since the documentary is of a personal activity with no finaicial support. I am searching for the site to tape the narration with a portable recorder, harber, calm forest, my bed under the thick blankets or somewhere elso.
