Documentary video "Yamada Daimyo Parade" was finished to DVD with the 35 minute story and four minute karaoke. The disks were presented to people in Yamada who helped me make the video.

The karaoke is of the background music in the documentary. The music has given me beatitude. It is a song composed by my father almost 60 years ago. It was written in celebration of revival of the parade first time in 15 years. I could find and get a copy of the lyrics and the melody after searching by a telephone from one person to another in the town.
Way back when my father worked as judicial scrivener and enjoyed music activities in the town. The melody score that I found was copied by a fiddler in his band. It includes prelude, interlude and coda without chords or obligato. So I must have used the whole poor brain to arrange it and make the sound by MIDI instruments.
The story of the documentary was narrated by me in Japanese. So I must superimpose the story in English before placing the video. Since uploading video has the file limit up to 100MB on Google Blog, I am preparing it from the opening to the limit.
オリジナルHDV画像をPCに取り込んみ、m2tファイルを SONY Vegas 6 で直に編集しました。Vegasは、複雑で完成度の高い作品作りに向いていると思います。ただ、m2tではIn点、Out点の割り出しや、つなぎの確認にずいぶん手間取りました。m2tのままでは、リアルタイムに見られないからです。その都度DVファイルにレンダリングして確認しました。